Welcome to TRINITY Corporate Wellness – Where Employee Wellbeing Meets Peak Performance!
At TRINITY Corporate Wellness, we understand that the key to business success lies in the satisfaction and wellbeing of your employees. In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial. That’s why we are here to introduce you to a holistic approach that combines physical fitness, nutritional guidance, and stress management.
Why Choose TRINITY Fit Corporate?
1. Boost Morale and Productivity: Elevate your employees’ morale and enhance their productivity through our dynamic team workouts. Our fitness programmes are designed to not only improve physical health but also to create a positive and energised work atmosphere.
2. Combat Stress with Fitness and Nutrition: In the face of increasing stress levels, the best defence is a proactive approach to fitness and nutrition. TRINITY Fit Corporate offers tailored solutions to help your employees manage stress and build resilience, leading to a healthier and happier workforce.
3. Make Wellbeing a Company Priority: Prioritise the wellbeing of your company by investing in your most valuable asset – your employees. Our comprehensive wellness programs are crafted to address the unique needs of your team, fostering a culture of health and happiness within your organisation.
4. Customised Classes for All Fitness Levels: We understand that every individual has different fitness levels and preferences. Our group classes are customised to cater to the diverse needs of your team, ensuring that everyone can actively participate and benefit, regardless of their current fitness level.
5. Convenient On-site Training: To make your life easier, we bring our expertise to your doorstep. Book a consultation with our representative, and our experienced instructors will conduct sessions at your premises. Whether you have adequate space in your office or prefer an external location, we accommodate your needs.
6. Flexible Booking Options: Choose to book TRINITY Fit Corporate for your company exclusively or collaborate with neighbouring businesses within your building. We offer flexible arrangements to suit your preferences and maximise the impact of our wellness programs.
Make a positive change today by prioritising the wellbeing of your employees. Book a consultation with TRINITY Corporate Wellness, and let us empower your team to achieve a harmonious balance between work and personal life, ultimately leading to increased productivity and overall satisfaction.
Benefits of a fit workforce
Countless studies show that a person who exercises regularly and eats a healthy balanced diet is 100 times more productive and has a stronger immune system (benefit to you – they take fewer sick days).
In other words a healthy active employee is a highly productive employee.
It is and always has been our mission to teach people how a healthy diet and active lifestyle can have a positive effect on EVERY aspect of life. Reinventing minds and bodies, reverting people back to the fit healthy, career driven person we ALL once were.
But if you’re still not convinced that you should invest your business in our business consider the benefits of exercise such as yoga, strength training and aerobic activity have on performance found in global studies. For example:
- Increases brain function, concentration, and information-processing
- Improves decision-making, time management and productivity
- Enhances wellbeing, motivation, and morale
- Lowers stress, combats fatigue, and boosts energy
- Promotes better health and reduces work day absence
Yoga & Pilates
Essential for stressed bodies and minds. Flowing through a variety of movements and poses that will help them to release energy and combat stress and tension. Work pressure, stress and worry manifests tension in the body. As our lives become busier and busier worries, anxiety and fears build up and we have little time to deal with them. This practice will help let go of old patterns and teach us how to be more peaceful and focused.
If your posture in the office wasn’t great, imagine how bad it will be from home. Bad sitting posture isn’t just linked to chronic back, neck, hip, and knee pain, it’s also linked to digestion issues. Given the gut is the 2nd brain that will in turn affect mood and cognitive function. Pilates is highly effective in improving posture, body alignment and stability. Aesthetically it also tones, shrinks, and defines the whole body.

40 min classes utilising basic shapes and simple movements to hone in and isolate specific muscle groups in the legs, hips, core, and arms. Barre is proven to improve stability, mobility, and function. A unique form of training and an intense workout that is suitable for all body types and fitness levels.
Trinity Flow
The emphasis here is on body weight training in a full on workout,perfect for the majority of the nation working from home (instructor can incorporate light weights and resistance bands if accessible) Combining Barre, Yoga, Animal Flow and Pilates in one class will improve students’ posture, strength, stamina, and awareness.
BoxHIIT & Trinity360
Each class is designed to teach basic boxing skills. Learn a variety of core, cardio, and strength exercises whilst gaining hand-eye coordination, endurance, and confidence in a full body workout.
With the never ending lockdowns and our daily activities currently seriously restricted Trinity360 is designed to get hearts pumping and bodies firing. Packing a variety of workouts into every class from HIIT and cardio to strength and mobility by switching up movement patterns and pacing, this class transforms bodies 360 – degrees.

Nutrition Workshop
To kickstart our corporate nutrition workshops we offer a free one to one lunchtime nutrition consultation where we look at the food your employees eat and help them optimise their diet and nutrition.
Few people understand the role nutrition, and what we choose to put on our plate plays in every single function of our body.
When you consider that the gut is the 2nd brain you start to realise the role good nutrition and a healthy approach to diet and lifestyle plays in mental focus, cognitive function and overall productivity.
Our clarity of thought, ability to absorb and process information, manage stress and anxiety is MASSIVELY influenced by what we put on our plate.
Nutrition plays a big role in how well we sleep. Imagine the increase in productivity in your business when your employees are no longer suffering from the 3pm slump after lunch.
And then there’s the health and well being aspect. Lowering high blood pressure, reversing the onset of type 2 diabetes and bullet proofing our immune system can all be done through good nutrition.
In short nothing found in any pill bottle is more powerful than what goes on the end of you and your employees forks.
The choices are many. Full lifestyle analysis, one-to-one nutrition consultations, interactive nutrition group workshops, individually tailored diet plans or advanced meal-by-meal calorie/macro calculated nutrition programmes. It could even be something as simple as writing a healthier weekly shopping list via TRINITY’s lifestyle and nutrition services. With TRINITY, you and your employees will discover the power of what goes on your plate.